What is sybase? What are its important features?
hai...... tis is Hemanth. jst now completed electrical engineering... i wanna to apper for ap tranco exam... plzz send me the previous q's paper link......thanx in advance.
Who are the manufactures those manufacturing 3Cx2.5sqmm FRLS cables. I heard about FRLS technology adopted only in wires useful for wirings
How do I set a primary key in access 2007?
What is tagname in html?
What are the features of a window?
What is pdr - peer design review?
what is ember-data ?
What's the information that can be stored inside a bit column?
For write access to the ui theme designer (create, update, delete themes), which authorization object should be assigned?
List down some of the real time data-warehousing tools?
How does someone get promoted in this organization?
What is expert view and keyword view?
Why do people says “java is robust”?
What is the ftp server for wordpress?