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Convergys JCL Interview Questions
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Can we use empty VSAM as input?

9 24349

What is GDG and what is the maximum limit of versions that can be created?

9 46265

What is the use of the utility DFSRRC00 in the JCL?

2 37275

If there are five steps in a JCL i have to execute the 3rd step, bypass the 4th step and execute the 5th step how do i do this?

13 68223

What is the use of DUMMY statement in the JCL? What is the use of DUMMY Utility in the JCL?

12 65904

what is the difference between the JCLLIB and JOBLIB ,and where do we use it ?

3 18604

Given a input file with duplicates how to remove the duplicate records from the file using JCL?

6 29570

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When we can use multiple forms?


Cholesterol is a compound suspected of causing hardening of the arteries. The formula of cholesterol is C27H46O. a. A sample of cholesterol is isolated from the arterial lining of a 60-year-old American male. What is the formula of this compound? b. Cholesterol is extracted from a chicken’s egg. What is the formula of this compound?


How can you drop a table using module in drupal?


Is magento free or paid?


How to convert a sapscript to smart form?


What is php string function?


Explain materialized views and how they are used.


tomorrow i have interview in infosys.can someone pour any suggestions or any interview questions. thank you


What is c.s.t slab on furniture & fixture ?


What is multiple inheritance? How java 8 supports multiple inheritance?


What is the process of compilation and loading in python?


What is the difference between Synthesised Frequency Hopping and Base Band Frequency Hopping?


Explain the tallness trait of a pea plant moving separately from the color trait an example of?


What are different tools to report data in SAP? What all have you used ?


What is ado rdo dao in visual basic?