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Convergys Programming Languages AllOther Interview Questions
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what is woransient key word? how it is used in java


Post New Convergys Programming Languages AllOther Interview Questions

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Define mapping?


What is a linked list c#?


Explain the reasons of rebooting the system?


How do you hibernate?


You have got the requirement from a client. Explain the technical approach you will take now.


Which companies use magento?


How to install drupal on a local wamp server?


What is mfc class hierarchy?


What is an inspection in software testing?


Hi. I am in High School. I have a very important assignment from school requiring me to interview a mechanical engineer. But I have no idea where to find one. If you are a mechanical engineer, please fill out the questions below. I'd REALLY appreciate it if you'd help me out. Thank You. 1. What got you interested in mechanical engineering? 2. Where do you work? Exactly what is your job? 3. What did you need to study to become an expert engineer? 4. Is there a high demand for mechanical engineers right now? 5. What is your salary? 6. What are some of the main projects that you have worked on in the past? 7. What schools did you attend? 8. How would you describe mechanical engineering? (the definition of mechanical engineering?) 9. How long have you been in the engineering field? 10. From a scale of 1 through 10, 10 being the most, how much do you enjoy your job and why? 11. What do you like most about your job? What do you like least about your job? 12. Was it hard to find a job once out of college? 13. What advice would you give a student planning on entering this career? 14. What is the most important, or helpful, project that you have contributed to? 15. What is your name and email for further contact and as a resource? Please help me out if you can. I will really appreciate it. Thank You Very Much!


What are the scope of the class?


Can parameters have drop down list?


How can we set null value in jdbc preparedstatement?


What is the role of scriptmanager in ajax?


What are accessor methods in java?