what is the default region size if I dont specify region parametre in my job card ( I know that if I specify region=0k or 0M, then the job will occupy all he available resources at the time of job execution), but I want to know the defult value for "region" paramatre.
5 21826I have DATE filed like DD-MM-YYYY, So I want output should be MM/DD/YYYY using JCL? Can anybody post the answer for above requirement?
4 18738Post New BirlaSoft JCL Interview Questions
Why will the Internet of Things(IoT) be successful in the coming years?
what tools available for managing mysql server? : Sql dba
sir/medam i had completed my B-TECH(CSE)2011 with 61%.i have to go USA for futhure studies.i dnt know what is steps for do futhure studies in USA so could you please tell me
How to take was configuration backup without stopping the dmgr?
What are the possible reasons for slow performance in tableau?
What is the extension of c# file?
How is the gear ratio calculated?
What are the 4 types of data?
How do I calculate 10% of a number?
What are the filters are available in apache hbase?
When does the c++ compiler create temporary variables?
What is a tnc? Why do firms become transnational?
Do you need __ init __?
Why in partnership fundamental question will add Partnership salary for the year and per month salry add in the cr. Side of the p/l app a/c
How do I select 10000 rows in excel?