1: At the time of perido end process we use one sweep progrem? what is it and explin the process? 2:How to import the accounting entry's from Ap to GL? plz explain?
2 16046What is the difference between Recurring Journals and Recurring Invoices? What is the need for the Recurring Journals in GL when Recurring invoices exist in AP?
2 12484Post New BirlaSoft Oracle Apps Financial Interview Questions
What is a protocol in objective c?
What is three element drum level control system why its better than single element?
What options are available to changing the shape of my teeth?
Can a set contain duplicates?
How are stains classified?
How do I find duplicates in two columns?
Was 2000 a leap year?
What are bills receivable?
Define role of veracity in big data?
Does polymorphism achieved through interfaces?
What are the key configuration files in obiee?
Mention some of the set-backs of sap?
Explain about Transport methods in SOAP?
What is guard in Scala’s for-comprehension construct?
What version of windows do I have?