hi all.i am in need of some sample codes for oracle apps manufacturing interfaces.If any of u have,plz send it to me . Thank you.
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1 3458Post New BirlaSoft Oracle Apps Technical Interview Questions
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Exp the different types of identity available in iis 6.0?
What is singleton angular?
What is a text value in excel referred to as?
How to add css styles in angular 5/4 applications?
Is google a web service?
What is the difference between the operators '==' and '==='?
How do you check if two strings are equal in java?
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What do you mean by ttu in teradata?
Explain some differences between ruby and python.
How to forward a request to another source?
What is xinput1_3 dll missing?
Name Different Kinds of Debentures According to Redemption Point of View?
What are launch modes?