first wt is reqd. for making a mix design of concrete & the procedure of determining the qty. of material used in concrete.
1 4027Post New BirlaSoft Civil Engineering Interview Questions
Tell us something about the 27th or latest public sector bank in india.
what is the main difference between the terms" contract of employment" and" contract os servive"
Define constraints and give an example of their use?
How do you generate reports in treasury? What format are they generated in?
What does p mean in physics?
Explain how logical gates are controlled by Boolean logic?
How do you crop a shape in powerpoint?
What are the commands located in client room?
Different running modes for running Pig?
What are the four microsoft programs?
How do the rough endoplasmic reticulum and the Golgi apparatus act in the production and releasing of proteins?
How much wastages taken in 1. cement 2. steel 3. fine aggregate 4. coarse aggregates (10mm, 20 mm)
Which transaction code is used to maintain the features?
What is the default prefix used joomla by default?
Can anyone tell me a difficult situation who have handled while creating Datastage jobs?