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BirlaSoft Manual Testing Interview Questions
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if i give some thousand tests to execute in 2 days what do u do?

24 30351

what is ERP? why inventory comes in ERP?

4 10821

what is sequential injection?

2 7724

testing is a process or methodology,diff between methodology and process?

6 15349

In Testing why We need to Write Testcases compalsarly.

19 21644

In Testing What Type of Defects your finding

7 10468

what is a horizontal and vertical matrix explain with examples


hi, How would you define the QA and QC?

7 10290

how to write the test case for online (credit/debit) payment

2 22472

regression, functionaltesting, intergration testing, UAT, re- testing. what is order of testing. which one comes 1st,2nd,3rd. tell order

6 9613

What is the difference b/w deliverable and release notes?

1 8385

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BirlaSoft Manual Testing Interview Questions

Un-Answered Questions

Do you know why we use select="@|node()" in the element on Identity template? What will happen if we use without select attribute?


 Explain the PeopleSoft architecture at a high level.what are the communication software applications, protocols?


What is milcore in wpf?


What are the modules of quality center?


What is uri and order of dialog box button?


yasser arfatcompleted his degree in civil from which university


Which of the following are the outputs of the Contract Closeout process? A. Project archives, formal acceptance and closure, contract file B. Contract file, formal acceptance and closure C. Project archives, contract file D. Contract file, formal acceptance and closure, lessons learned


Can condensate control in a reboiler cause water hammer problems?


What is a dimensional model?


What is argument label in swift?


What is difference between hadoop and spark?


What is copy pending and check pending in db2?


What is %Type,%Rowtype?


What are the translations available in Drupal?


What are different abap/4 editors?