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BirlaSoft QTP Interview Questions
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How to find Total no of Text Fields in the Page..Anybody please answer me..Thanks in Advance

2 8654

What is the difference between Mandatory and BaseFilter Properies..Anybody please answer me..Thanks in Advance

3 15113

Give me Example for Generic Functions in QTP Framework....Anybody please answer me..Thanks in Advance

3 15742

I have a 10 lines of qtp script, while executing i got an error at line 7 but i dont want to stop the execution i want to continue the execution up to last line and display the test result window, wts the syntax we use?

3 16587

Give me At Least 5 Differences between DOCUMENTATION OBJECT MODEL(DOM)and COMPONENT OBJECT MODEL(COM)? Interviewer said me to WRITE the difference only in points not as you WRITE a paragraph ???? only in points


Can we put more than one action in a single script???? yes or no.....

2 4997

Can we record a video in qtp recording??

1 3298

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BirlaSoft QTP Interview Questions

Un-Answered Questions

How to check if mongoose is installed?


What does json stand for?


Explain what is bug triage?


What is the use of bag in hibernate?


What is a Case Assignment Rule?


What is the difference between Struts and JSF? Pls list some most suitable differences.


What is di ioc?


whenever we give #metastat cmd in svm, it display output "need to maintain" state, what u do?


What is unix and why is it important?


How many clustered indexes can be created on a table? I create a separate index on each column of a table. what are the advantages and disadvantages of this approach?


when does error daemon start in boot process?


Is there a cost to upgrade from windows 7 to windows 10?


Explain the process of calculating the planned activity output through long term planning?


How do you sort data in excel?


Is xml is a programming language?