What is the difference between Mandatory and BaseFilter Properies..Anybody please answer me..Thanks in Advance
3 15113Give me Example for Generic Functions in QTP Framework....Anybody please answer me..Thanks in Advance
3 15742I have a 10 lines of qtp script, while executing i got an error at line 7 but i dont want to stop the execution i want to continue the execution up to last line and display the test result window, wts the syntax we use?
3 16587Give me At Least 5 Differences between DOCUMENTATION OBJECT MODEL(DOM)and COMPONENT OBJECT MODEL(COM)? Interviewer said me to WRITE the difference only in points not as you WRITE a paragraph ???? only in points
1753Post New BirlaSoft QTP Interview Questions
How to check if mongoose is installed?
What does json stand for?
Explain what is bug triage?
What is the use of bag in hibernate?
What is a Case Assignment Rule?
What is the difference between Struts and JSF? Pls list some most suitable differences.
What is di ioc?
whenever we give #metastat cmd in svm, it display output "need to maintain" state, what u do?
What is unix and why is it important?
How many clustered indexes can be created on a table? I create a separate index on each column of a table. what are the advantages and disadvantages of this approach?
when does error daemon start in boot process?
Is there a cost to upgrade from windows 7 to windows 10?
Explain the process of calculating the planned activity output through long term planning?
How do you sort data in excel?
Is xml is a programming language?