Give me Example for Generic Functions in QTP
Framework....Anybody please answer me..Thanks in Advance
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Answer / vijay reddy
In framework we have two types of library functions
1)Generic functions
2)Project specific functions
Generic functions are generic to any other application
For Example if we create generic functions for one
webapplication , the same generic functions can use for
another applications in automations
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Answer / ram
Qtp supports relative path framework.Relative path framework
can help you in creating a generic functions and calling
them through the driver script.
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Answer / vijay chourasiya
Generic Function:
Generic function means the conman functionality in the application.Example
button, Edit box, Combo box and Radio button,Dropdown,Click on link,Login,Logout,Verifypage.
So if you want to create the generic function/Reusable function in the application only change the object not the logic in the function.
For Example:
In framework you have Button so you have to create:
Function buttonclick(obutton)
sobjname = obutton.tostring
sstepname = "Buttonclick"
bexists = obutton.Exist(0)
If bexists Then
smsg = sobjname&" Exists"
reporter.ReportEvent micPass,sstepname,smsg
smsg = sobjname&" does not Exists"
reporter.ReportEvent micFail,sstepname,smsg
End If
bdisabled = obutton.getroproperty("disabled")
If bdisabled = 0 Then
smsg = sobjname&" is enabled"
reporter.ReportEvent micPass,sstepname,smsg
smsg = sobjname&" is disabled"
reporter.ReportEvent micFail,sstepname,smsg
End If
smsg = "clicking on "&sobjname
reporter.ReportEvent micPass,sstepname,smsg
End Function
* so here you have to change only (obutton) in the repository or from Util file.
Project specific functions:
Project specific function is related to the only your project prospective.Example:
login page loading so you will not use wait because you don't know the loading time.
so for this you have to create DynamicLoad Function.and this function also resusable
2)Example:The framework contains input from the XML so you have to create project specific function
3) Example: Suppose you want to manipulate the scripts as per the requirement then you have to create Project specific functions and its control by Driver Script.
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