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iGate SQL PLSQL Interview Questions
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what is cursor procedure

1 6477

how to get second highest salary in SQL(as/4000

29 26122

Please let me know if UNION ALL and Natural Join does the same operation and are same...

7 12965

What is meant by Materialized view?

2 6434

I need to write a simple query,which one is better select statement or stored procedure?and why?

2 6103

i have table T!. A B C D NULL 1 2 3 4 NULL 5 6 7 8 NULL 9 10 11 12 NULL. I WANT COUNT OF NULL VALUES IN TABLE. WRITE A QUERY.

14 18651

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iGate SQL PLSQL Interview Questions

Un-Answered Questions

Why clrscr is used in c?


Explain how selenium grid works?


Your greatest weakness in school or at work?


How to fetch last inserted id, fetch all record,find and fetch a single record.


What is a ddl command?


What is an object in c++?


What is a routing in angular js?


my table having data like this year month revenue 2011 jan 100 2011 feb 200 2011 mar 150 like this i want My report 2011 jan 100 2011 feb 100+200=300 2011 mar 300+150=450 like this for this where we specify the condition how will specify? pls ans me pls...


Explain semaem?


the maximum number of subfiles that can defined in a rpg program for one display file is ___ .


what is the design procedure for building


How to host files in a different folder and what is alias directive?


Which function in ember.js is used to test whether the value is an array or not?


Can you print gridlines in word?


What are the different types of calculation view?