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More Chemical Engineering Interview Questions

POLYMER ENGINEERING - QUESTION 24.1 : The molecular weights M in kg / mol of 3 different monomers a, b and c in a polymer are Ma = 14, Mb = 16 and Mc = 18. The fraction of polymer chain X of 3 different monomers a, b and c in a polymer are Xa = 0.5, Xb = 0.3 and Xc = 0.2. (i) Calculate number average molecular weight by using the formula Ma Xa + Mb Xb + Mc Xc. (ii) Calculate weight average molecular weight by using the formula (Ma Xa Ma + Mb Xb Mb + Mc Xc Mc) / (Ma Xa + Mb Xb + Mc Xc). (iii) Calculate the polydispersity by using the answer in (ii) divided by answer in (i). (iv) If the molecular weight of repeat unit is 12, calculate the degree of polymerization by using the formula (Ma Xa + Mb Xb + Mc Xc) / (molecular weight of repeat unit).

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what is a pschycometric chart and how to use it?

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What are demand of crotonaldehyde99% in the worldand its international market ?

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Question 42 - According to Margules Equation, P = x(1) p(1) g(1) + x(2) p(2) g(2) for a two-component mixture where P is bubble pressure, x is mole fraction, p is saturation pressure, g is constant given by ln g(1) = x(2) A x(2). Find the value of A as a constant when P = 1.08 bar, p(1) = 0.82 bar, p(2) = 1.93 bar in a 50 : 50 mole fraction mixture. Estimate the pressure required to completely liquefy the 30 : 70 mixture using the same equation, by proving P = 1.39 bar. Take note that ln g(2) = x(1) A x(1), ln g(1) = x(2) A x(2).

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Define octane number?

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What are the applications of screen analysis in the chemical industry?

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If flow rate of natural gas mixture in sweating gas unite is 460000 m3/day Can it be converted into mole/day?

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What factors go into designing the vapor space of kettle type reboiler?

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What is the best way to control an oversized, horizontally oriented shell and tube steam heater?

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Question 30 – Solve the simultaneous equation using simple Excel program : r + s – t = 7, 2r – s = 0, 3r + 2t = 15. Explain the use of functions of MINVERSE and MMULT together with the keyboard C (Ctrl) + S (Shift) + E (Enter).

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hi i am chemical engg. 4 year student i am not placed till year what will i do for my batter futere

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