capacitor applied voltage is 1100VDC & capacitance value is
82uF how to calculate current of capacitor.

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capacitor applied voltage is 1100VDC & capacitance value is 82uF how to calculate current of c..

Answer / chreamz

Basic Electrical Engineering

First Step: Calculate the Capacitance of the system
>> Frequency = 50 or 60 Hz

>> Xc = 1/ (2πfC)
= 1/ (2π*50*82µ)
= 1 / (2*3.141*50*82µ)
= 25.76 Ω

Final Step: Ohms Law

>> V = IXc
1100 = I*25.76

∴I = 42.702 Amps

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capacitor applied voltage is 1100VDC & capacitance value is 82uF how to calculate current of c..

Answer / guest

Please go through the elementary electrical engineeering
before posting this questions..

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