Which type of modulation is used in TV transmission?

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Which type of modulation is used in TV transmission?..

Answer / sachin

in t.v. systems negative am modulation is used for vidio
tranmsmission and fm is used for audio transmission.

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Which type of modulation is used in TV transmission?..

Answer / rishimishra


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Which type of modulation is used in TV transmission?..

Answer / raghavendra prasanna

In tv transmission both the techniques are used i.e AM AND FM.
Amplitude modulation is used for picture portion and Frequency modulation is used for audio portion

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Which type of modulation is used in TV transmission?..

Answer / sudesh m.s

mainly VSB type of modulation is used...by the
classification we can say that for audio signal frequency
modulation is used and for video signals amplitude
modulation is used .

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Which type of modulation is used in TV transmission?..

Answer / frank

are these answers being given by people who studied telecom
or not?

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Which type of modulation is used in TV transmission?..

Answer / rajesh pogula


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Which type of modulation is used in TV transmission?..

Answer / dibyasree dasgupta

Tv transmission makes use of FM for transmitting audio signals(voice)whereas it uses AM for transmission of video signals..
TV transmission generally consists of three basic steps:

Modulation->VSB filtration->Transmission

since in a VSB only a portion or 'part' of one of the sidebands(generally LSB) is filtered and processed, it allows the video signal(contained in USB)along with the audio signal contained in the remainder of LSB to be transmitted at the same time which allows the various programs to be broadcasted through channels...
Thus VSB transmission plays a vital role in TV transmission.

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Which type of modulation is used in TV transmission?..

Answer / guest

amplitude modulation

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Which type of modulation is used in TV transmission?..

Answer / jitesh kumar

AM is used for video transmission and FM is used for audio transmission

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Which type of modulation is used in TV transmission?..

Answer / sacchidanand teke

V.S.B. is the type of TV Modulation and V.S.B meance
vegestial side band modulation ....
In Modulation,
we can also use two types AM AND FM
*AM is used for video and
*FM is used for audio

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