Human Resources Interview Questions
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Why Do you want to change your Job

Financial Technologies,

6 9861

Please send me Entrance exam sample pappers for management level of Shipping Corporation of india


What can you do for the growth of BHEL?



How do you make a business plan for a recruitment firm already established with 20+ staff?


I have completed my fashion technology course and after that i did my MBA,during interviews they used to ask like why i choose MBA after fashion technology.


All the IT Companies paid more Dividend" If yes,Explain in detail,IF no justify the Answer


1. “A well – thought out orientation program is especially important for employees who have had little or no work experience.” – Comment.

2 15824

2. Explain the four types of appraisal interview and how they affect the way you manage the interview in Textile Industries.

2 21633

Should the job evaluation depend on an appraisal of the job holder’s performance in shipping industries? Give suitable examples


4. Develop an incentive plan for Chemical Engineer, Plant Manager, and Sales Person. What factors would you consider in developing incentive?

BBB, LinkedIn, MBA, TATA,

2 21070

what is the difference between a head-hunting recruitment and referral recruitment?

2 8270

what are the objectives of HR?

1 4587

why u want to join the recruitment field?

2 5632

why u want to skip from computer application to HR?

1 3375

why do u want to skip from commerce to hr?


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how calculate esi & pf


i am an mba with specialization in hr i want to make a career in tanning .what should i do for that?is ther any other coures which i should do.


I have a written test in HPCL on this may 27th. If any body having the previous question papers in HR please send to


Company development & Employee motivation & Salary Statement Preparing


can some one be a technical recruiter in usa with dependent visa and no work permit having mba degree from india.please need answer urgently


Role of an HR professional in transformational change in a health care industry.


How to do headhunting in information technology profiles? The recruiting is different in this kind of profiles?


What are the key isssues that should be addressed in the design, conduct, and evaluation of training programs?


in which five areas under the health and safety Act 1974 does an employer have a " duty of care" to employees? which aspect of law governing health and safety is influenced by european legislation?


under what circumstances might personnel refer to have a job " aborted"?


If a person drawing RS.29000/- as net salary per month... Can any one please provide is his gross salary and total other cuttings...


How would you describe your own personality


what justifies that you have an aptitude for management educative training?


Mention 5 paramaters that you would consider while searching a candidate for the position of Vice President-Finance/HR for Copal Partners?


why are you looking for a change with in three months exp in present company?