I M working in 1.1 .net framework.
In a page I have 5 text box & 2 data grid.
In PageLoad()
All text box will populate with blank value & 1st dataGrid
with some value.
When I click on EDIT button Of the 1st dataGrid,The Relevent
data Of the particular row will populate in first 3 textboxs
& corresponding relevent data Will populate in the 2nd DataGrid.
Now when I click 2nd datagrid's EDIT button of a perticular
Row,relevent data will populate on last 2 textboxs &
1st 3 textbox's value will be same as per as it was........

........My Problem Is ...........
When I click on edit button Of 2nd DataGrid, 1st 3 text
boxes values goes Off & 2nd DataGrid Is goes off Due to
Postback.but The relevent value is populated In last 2
textboxes.So How I stoped this postback??So that all the
data in 1st 3 textboxes will be same.So that I can edit the
values of 2nd Grid with 1st 3 textBoxes value..
plz dirctly mail me 1 copy of post to...

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I M working in 1.1 .net framework. In a page I have 5 text box & 2 data grid. In PageLoad() A..

Answer / nabin

you can use this code to check IsPostBack or not using
IsPostBack property

//your form logic goes here

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I M working in 1.1 .net framework. In a page I have 5 text box & 2 data grid. In PageLoad() A..

Answer / manickaraj

If Not IsPostBack Then
your function or your code here
end if

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