During what phase are many copies of a virus made and

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During what phase are many copies of a virus made and released? ..

Answer / pramod kumar singh

its during lytic phase

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During what phase are many copies of a virus made and released? ..

Answer / prashant shekhar

Virus undergoes two types of life cycle- Lytic and
During lytic phase, the viral gemone get multiplied in
large number inside a host cell and undergo assembly in
which the multiplied viral gemone is packaged inside the
head of the virus.
After assembly, the complete viral particle is released due
to internal pressure.

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During what phase are many copies of a virus made and released? ..

Answer / sonali

that is lytic phase only.

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During what phase are many copies of a virus made and released? ..

Answer / sayali

Lytic phase.

In the lytic phase, a virus will replicate exponentially in the host cell and the burst out, causing cell lysis (and hence lytic).

A. Lysogenic phase is quite the opposite...the virus hides in the host genetic material as a dormant virus, not causing any harm to the host for the time-being and replicating passively with it until it enters the lytic phase.
B. Prophage is what you would call the dormant, lysogenic form of bacteriphages, viruses that infect bacteria only
C. Capsid is the protein coat that surrounds a virion...has nothing to do with life-cycles really.

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During what phase are many copies of a virus made and released? ..

Answer / puja tulsiani


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During what phase are many copies of a virus made and released? ..

Answer / rachana

its during lysogeny in bacteria. whenany temperate phage
infect the bacteria or any retrovirus infect any host cell.

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