tell me about your last movie that you see?

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tell me about your last movie that you see? ..

Answer / pooja

it was Rab ne banja di jodi..i loved the film very much .in
this film the hero depicts himself as a tradional kinda boy
and tries to impress the girl.they got married but still
girl doesnt love him anymore.then he changes his
looks,learns dance and makes her understand that how much
he loves her,.all in all this movie is full of drama,comedy
and emotions.

Is This Answer Correct ?    199 Yes 31 No

tell me about your last movie that you see? ..

Answer / bhagwant singh

the last movie i have seen in hall is 3 idot, This is a very insperational film . This film give the inspreation to the people to develop their own idea and do some thing different in life .

Is This Answer Correct ?    193 Yes 33 No

tell me about your last movie that you see? ..

Answer / subhasish dutta

the last movie i've seen is PK ... it's basically a story about an alian(amir khan) he came to our planet for research ... coz they were found a planet like they are live in,where people looks like them .. that's why he came to our planet(earth) .. but after landing earth the alian's remote controller were stole by someone ... without the remote control he can't go back to there planet .. so he used to find the remote control ...  as well as the movie is full of drama,comedy,love,emotions.

Is This Answer Correct ?    151 Yes 20 No

tell me about your last movie that you see? ..

Answer / rohit

the last movie i have seen is rockstar where the leading role was played by ranbeer kapoor he wants to be a musician a rockstar and the character played his girlfriend's role is nargis fakri they both love each other and the whole story revolves around both of them. The end was very emotional as nargis was suffering from cancer and ranbeer used to keep on meeting her but her parents doesn't allow them to meet.
The conclusion of the story was that if we want to achieve something don't wait for the perfect time just make the time perfect for yourself.

Is This Answer Correct ?    61 Yes 6 No

tell me about your last movie that you see? ..

Answer / gagan

I saw "life of pie" movie in the last Monday. In this movie Suraj Sharma and Irfan Khan were the lead actor. The whole story was revolve around sea, tiger and a boy who fought fights against unpredictable nature and Hunger. Bengal Tiger and pie(Suraj) stay in the same for many days. This movie got many awards. The background animation of this movie was awesome. This movie gives a moral that Wild Animals would be act as friend when there will be difficult situation for both. It was amazing moment when i saw last scene of the movie. that was awesome movie

Is This Answer Correct ?    31 Yes 7 No

tell me about your last movie that you see? ..

Answer / vishal saini

Recently, I saw movie URI. It was a nice movie. The concept is based on real story about surgical strike. It was a very inspirational movie for the youngsters. I love Vicky Kaushal acting. I also saw his last movie Sanju. He did a very good job. The movies is worth watching. Woh Kya khte hai Paisa Wasool movie.

Is This Answer Correct ?    35 Yes 20 No

tell me about your last movie that you see? ..

Answer / shashikant jogai

the last movie i've seen is THE WALL.....its basically a
story bout a band PINK FLOYD...the lead role is of PINK a
rockstar who was locked in a hotel room in
NEWYORK...thinkin' bout his past he was
abducted the love of a he was denied by the
TEACHERS in teen age his GIRLFREN ditched
him...and PINK resembeled all these situations as a
BRICK...and brick by brick he build a WALL around him and
he was left alone in it....n in the last he face a
TRIAL...where he revealed all his deepest fear and this
fiils the JUDGE to DEFFECATE...n...sentenced PINK to be
inexposed before his PEERS....n....TEAR DOWN THE WALL....

Is This Answer Correct ?    16 Yes 7 No

tell me about your last movie that you see? ..

Answer / sowjanyababji

Recently, i saw a movie jai lava kusa, it was an awesome movie. three identical triplets jai, lava, kusa roles are played by jr.ntr. Rashi kanna and nivetha thomas lead a heroins role. The story is about how they are get seperated in a very small age and in what circumstances they meet and what happens after they get together. Coming to the story these 3 brothers are stage artists who work their maternal uncle. Jai was dominated by lava and kusa and their uncle also not letting him to act drama due to his stammering problem. Later, jai becomes a passionate devotee of raavana and blast the stage where lava and kusa are acting. At that moment three brothers are seperated. Lava was a innocent guy and kusa was a kind hearted cunning guy and jai was dangerous person ruled the people with cruelly. Destiny brings the brothers together due to some unanticipated situations.

Is This Answer Correct ?    14 Yes 5 No

tell me about your last movie that you see? ..

Answer / shaikh arif

I have recently seen a movie name that is Kuch kuch hota hai .
It's an old movie but i have seen it recently.
Shahrukh Khan has played the lead role in this movie, Shahrukh Khan and Kajol both are my favourite superstars.
So let me tell you the main story begins here,in the movie sharukh name is Rahul and Kajol name is Anjali
Rahul and Anjali both studied in the same college and they are best friends in there life ,they play basketball in there free time
Both are best friends
One day Rahil is attending a class then suddenly the teacher asks what is love nobody answered over there after that teacher is asking to Rahul same question wahts is love
Then Rahul answer to her love is friendship
And Anjali is also in the same classroom
After listening the Rahuls answer Anjali felt that rahul is loves me
After that one day Anjali decided to propose Rahul
And she met Rahul out of college and she propose him then Rahul clearly said to anjali he doesn't like Anjali ,but Anjali have a true feelings, and after that Anjali went to her hometown.
And after a few years Anjali found Rahul and Rahul also fell in love to anjali and they both got married and they are happy in there life so moral of ther story you will get what you want but keep some patients.

Is This Answer Correct ?    6 Yes 0 No

tell me about your last movie that you see? ..

Answer / papisetty sukanya

The movie which i have seen last is jai lava is prity good inspired me .is is completely based on love and is directed by vila.the name itself three charecters ae played by ntr he given full effort on the movie if i talk about story jaya, laya, and kusa are brothers .jai is elder brother. jai shows a lot of love on his brothers but kusa and lava used to make joke on jai.thats very hearted to jai.they used to give stage performances .both lava and kusa did very well in dialogues delivering but jai was not able to deliver words perfectly as he has stammer .jai love on his brothers turned into angry as his brothers insulted him some reasons made them to separated jai became a villan as he ruled the bhairav pur and lava settled as bank manager ans kusa was trying to settle in usa. both lava and kusa met accicendetly .they started live together later lava and kusa kidnaped by jai for his political needs.later both his brothers tryied to convience him finally three brothers understood to eachother .another villan in bhairavpur did attack on lava and kusa.jai sacrified his life for his brothers.

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