how do we do unit testing in mainfrmae. explain step-wise.

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how do we do unit testing in mainfrmae. explain step-wise...

Answer / guest

First of all we will take the production copy of JCL and
change the job card with the testing staandards like
changing the job name, class, msgclass, account inf
parametes and adding the notify parameter in the job.

After we have to check whether any file is updating or not.
if updates are then we have to copy the present production
file into a test file and specify that in the jcl.

If jcl contains any of the connect-direct process means
downloading any of the reports to the other servers or for
mail-drops we have to comment out those things....

Check out whether reports are going to sar. if yes replace
the sysout parameter with sysout=x......

Then jem it if any errors are there rectify n submit the job

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how do we do unit testing in mainfrmae. explain step-wise...

Answer / guest

Added to the previous answer

1) uneed prepare test jcl by changing the job card and file
high level qulifiers

2) U need to preapre test plan... in this u need to include
the what are all the impacted programs, procs, copybooks
which ur going to test.

3) then u need to write a test cases in the excel sheet ..
excel sheet contains colums liket
test case id, test case descrption,Pre-Requisite steps
before running the test case,Test Steps, expected result ,
test status and test date...........

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