subscripting can be said as
A) subscripting enables us to write a move compact
code in the procedure division.
B) subscripting enables us to refer to any element of
a table by the same data name with the facility of
identifying a particular element through the values of
C) Subscripting reduces the no of entries to be
included in the data division
D) subscripting enables us to use loops in the
procedure division
How are composite and multiple indexes different?
When do you get -811 sqlcode and how to resolve it?
what are the common errors that occured while programming in AS/400?
what is difference between file-aid tool and file-aid utility?
GO TO stmt which of the following is not true A) GO TO stmt is not essential in the sense that it is possible to write programs without using GO TO B) The target of the GO TO stmt being a procedure name avoiding GO TO result in a program with no procedure name C) Indiscriminate use of GO TO stmt can make the control structure program substantially complex D) Too many GO TO stmts make a program difficult to understand
Where is the vsam ksds placed?
in RTVMBRD where you will find no.of records....(i mean in which attribute)?
How is next sentence and continue different?
what is copybooks ? structure of copybook and fillers in copybook ? purpose of using copybook ?
How do you eliminate the duplicates?
Explain lock contention?
How long have you been working on mainframes?