NMDS is both device dependent and format dependent (True or
In a string " SEMINAR" .Replace "A" by 123. will this replacement will happen ot will it give error? If not , den what will be the output?
What is the usage of language in the PPT entry?
how can you prevent more than one user from accessing the same transient data queue?
Native Mode Data Stream (NMDS) is a mixture of Buffer Control Characters(BCC) and text data (True or False)
Mention the 5 fields available in the symbolic map for every ?NAMED? field in the DFHMDI macro? Give a brief description of these fields (Not exceeding a line).
How do u know if a start command intiated a transaction or a terminal intiated a transaction
Define floating maps with illustration?
What is meant by a CICS task?
Given below code, find the value of 'x'. Perform s001-x thru s001-y. s001-x. add 1 to x . s001-1x. ------- . s001-y. perform s001-1y 10 times . s001-1y. perform s001-2y 10 times . s001-2y. perform s001-x 10 times .
Explain ceci transaction commands?
What is the function of the Terminal Control table?
How To Compile The COBOL-BD2-CI CS Programs In Real TIme? Please Give Me the Detailed Description?