how can we establish a link between two maps using a cobol
application program....lets say how can u use 'back' in a
map come back on previous .

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how can we establish a link between two maps using a cobol application program....lets say how can..

Answer / kumar

linking of two maps is nothing but transfering of control.
And this can be achieved by using LINK,XCTL commands.

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how can we establish a link between two maps using a cobol application program....lets say how can..

Answer / sanju


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how can we establish a link between two maps using a cobol application program....lets say how can..

Answer / madhuri tungal

as kumar said... linking of two maps is nothing but
transfering of control and that can be achieved by
LINK (control will be returned back to main program)
XCTL (control wil not be returned back to main program).

to come back to main program or transfer control to any
program use following command:

exec cics return(transaction-id) end-exec.

above command will transfer the control to program
associated with transaction-id.

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how can we establish a link between two maps using a cobol application program....lets say how can..

Answer / anna

you can not do return with transid from sub prgm to main
prgm i.e from link to main prgm you do not have area to
save trans id

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how can we establish a link between two maps using a cobol application program....lets say how can..

Answer / arun

we can establish a link between two maps in 3 ways .
LINK (control will be returned back to main program) and
XCTL (control wil not be returned back to main program).
But for the second one we have to give the return statement
with the main programs transaction-id. otherwise the control
wil not return back to the main map.

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