Using the WinRunner Tool What that Regular Expression Scripts

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Using the WinRunner Tool What that Regular Expression Scripts..

Answer / sujeet r.

Regular expression
When the winrunner script refers to a window whose title
changes dynmically (for eg. the scri[t contains a statement
Setwindow ("Order Form No. 265")
Lets say when the script was recorded, at that time the
title window was Order Form No. 265
The next time when the script is run, the title changes to
Order Form No. 266 then the script is going to error out
saying that it could not find the window.
In such a case you can use Regular expression.
Click Tools->GUI Map Editor and then in the properties of
that object in the logical name type
#Order Form No.*

Simply enclose the title in # and .*

This will not update the script though
So whenevr the title of the window changes dynamically,
winrunner will not give an error that the window could not
be found.

P.S. : Any inputs are welcome

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Using the WinRunner Tool What that Regular Expression Scripts..

Answer / shilpa

You are using #Order Form No.*
that means you are commenting the whole line.
So this line doesnt work at all right?
Wont this be an error?

Is there other alternative to this?

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Using the WinRunner Tool What that Regular Expression Scripts..

Answer / sujeet r.

Regular expression
When the winrunner script refers to a window whose title
changes dynmically (for eg. the scri[t contains a statement
Setwindow ("Order Form No. 265")
Lets say when the script was recorded, at that time the
title window was Order Form No. 265
The next time when the script is run, the title changes to
Order Form No. 266 then the script is going to error out
saying that it could not find the window.
In such a case you can use Regular expression.
Click Tools->GUI Map Editor and then in the properties of
that object in the logical name type
#Order Form No.*

Simply enclose the title in # and .*

This will not update the script though
So whenevr the title of the window changes dynamically,
winrunner will not give an error that the window could not
be found.

P.S. : Any inputs are welcome

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Using the WinRunner Tool What that Regular Expression Scripts..

Answer / vanaja

Is we can also use the sysntax as "order form No !.*"

Can you please verify this ?

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Using the WinRunner Tool What that Regular Expression Scripts..

Answer / sujeet r.

Regular expression
When the winrunner script refers to a window whose title
changes dynmically (for eg. the scri[t contains a statement
Setwindow ("Order Form No. 265")
Lets say when the script was recorded, at that time the
title window was Order Form No. 265
The next time when the script is run, the title changes to
Order Form No. 266 then the script is going to error out
saying that it could not find the window.
In such a case you can use Regular expression.
Click Tools->GUI Map Editor and then in the properties of
that object in the logical name type
#Order Form No.*

Simply enclose the title in # and .*

This will not update the script though
So whenevr the title of the window changes dynamically,
winrunner will not give an error that the window could not
be found.

P.S. : Any inputs are welcome

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