What are the advantages of Global gui over gui map per test

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What are the advantages of Global gui over gui map per test mode?..

Answer / lakshmana rekha basu

Global Gui:Having All common GuI objectes in one Guifile is
advantageous in saving memory,
as well as if there are any changes made in the application
objects,just have to change in one GUI file which can be
applicable in many of your test using the Global Gui.

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What are the advantages of Global gui over gui map per test mode?..

Answer / suresh

1.Memory saving.
2.when ever appln changes it's easy to modify in one file
rather than several files

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What are the advantages of Global gui over gui map per test mode?..

Answer / sailaja

Global GUI is the default one. only one GUI map file will
be maintained for all the tests. you have to save the GUI
file and load that into memory when ever it is needed by
the application. memory will be saved. even when the
application got any kind of changes, you need to modify
only one file, which is easy.

GUI map file per test; you have to set this in General
options. ever test will have a separate GUI map file
independently. the files will automatically be saved and
loaded when ever needed by the application. no explicit
saving is needed. you need to modify every file when the
application got any kind of changes.

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