What is the purpose of temp. GUI map file?

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What is the purpose of temp. GUI map file?..

Answer / subbarao

If the WR is closed with out saving the GUI file, WR
maintains the GUI map file of unsaved data in Temporary
file. We can save the file from temporay map file if needed.

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What is the purpose of temp. GUI map file?..

Answer / sunil reddy

winrunner learns objects and windows with their logical
names and physical description ,This is actually stored in
Temp gui file

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What is the purpose of temp. GUI map file?..

Answer / rao

Winrunner by default maintains the temp Gui map for
storing object properities are logical and physical names
and if u close the winrunner saving the GUI file, then WR
mainin the GUI map file of unsave data in temp files.So
while you running the script wr automatically the invoke
the script from Temp GUI and run the AUT.

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i get error "winrruner cannot identify object" and gives details like the physical description of object "windowsFor....378734a_11" has changed descritpion in GUI map new discription Description { { class:object class:object Msw_id:264896 Msw_id:918548 } } Below is a script of functionality where amount is transfered from users account ,first contact summary of user is opened then transfer button is available on which we click .on clicking transfer form opens and various details are entered like amount to be transfer,transfer type .line where i m getting error is obj_mouse_click ("WindowsForms10.Window.8.app have marked it with red in script .0.378734a", 164, 10, i would be very thankful if anyone can give help related to this problem. *SCRIPT IS BELOW:-* > # Shell_TrayWnd > set_window ("Shell_TrayWnd", 1); > toolbar_button_press ("ToolbarWindow32_1", "Contact summary - > Scheme: > SCHEME CARD PROGRAM (admin - Local - V."); # Button Number > 3; > > # Contact summary - Scheme: SCHEME CARD PROGRAM (admin - Local - > V. > set_window ("Contact summary - Scheme: SCHEME CARD PROGRAM (admin - > Local - V.", 1); > obj_mouse_click ("CommandBar1", 437, 15, LEFT); > > # Transfer (admin - Local - V. > set_window ("Transfer (admin - Local - V.", 1); > obj_mouse_click ("WindowsForms10.Window.8.app.0.378734a", 164, 10, > LEFT); > > # #32769 > set_window ("#32769", 0); > obj_mouse_click ("WindowsForms10.Window.8.app.0.378734a_0", 138, 9, > LEFT); > > # Transfer (admin - Local - V. > set_window ("Transfer (admin - Local - V.", 0); > obj_mouse_click ("WindowsForms10.Window.8.app.0.378734a_1", 166, > 13, LEFT); >

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