How vinegar effects plant growth?

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How vinegar effects plant growth?..

Answer / anithaisro

Vinegar is basically acid. Depends on the plant, as some
like acidic conditions, and if the soil was too alkaline,
vinegar would make it grow better. But if the plant liked
alkaline conditions, vinegar would kill it.
Also depends on the strength of vinegar solution, how often
applied, etc.

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How vinegar effects plant growth?..

Answer / unknown

I recently did a project on this and none of my plants did
anything. A Lot of sites got me to expect a bad stench and
mould but nothing happened. The soil never driend up, no
mould, no smell and not sprouts either. I'm not sure if it
was the acids in the vinegar or if they didn't grow beacuse
they didn't have enough sun or something like that.

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