what is the difference between extinct and endangered species?

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what is the difference between extinct and endangered species?..

Answer / soraya

1 .Extinct species means animals which are vanished from the earth due to some changes in their habitat and other calamities .
Endangered species are the animals whose numbers are diminishing to a level that they might face extinction

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what is the difference between extinct and endangered species?..

Answer / aditi

endangered species are those which are going to extinct or which are facing the danger of extinction. extinct spices are those spices which are no more on the earth.

(i hope so u will like my answer)

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what is the difference between extinct and endangered species?..

Answer / ahsan

A specie that no longer lives in an ecosystem is called extinct in that ecosystem. A species is called endangered when it is at risk of extinctionin near future

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what is the difference between extinct and endangered species?..

Answer / sarthak gupta

1. Endangered species are those which can become extinct in comming years where as extinct species are already over .
2. Endangered species are found today also where as extinct species are not found today as they are over .
3. we can make effort to save endangered species from becoming extinct whereas no effert can save extinct species as they are already over from the world .
4. example of extinct species are the dodo bird,costa rica's golden toad,dinosaur
example of endangered species are Asiatic lion, Bengal tiger, african wild dog, tiger, blue whale, giant .

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what is the difference between extinct and endangered species?..

Answer / chandrakant malviya

EXTINCT ANIMALS -These are those species which are no longer living.
Eg. Indian cheetah, Pink-headed duck, Indian aurochs, Northern Sumatran rhinoceros,etc.
ENDANGERED ANIMALS -These are those species that are in danger of becoming extinct because they are either few in numbers, due to loss of their natural habitat or are threatened by change in environmental conditions.
Eg. Royal Bengal tiger, Asiatic black beer, Great Indian rhinoceros, Wild water buffalo,etc.

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what is the difference between extinct and endangered species?..

Answer / ritu tripathi

Endangered species :the species that are not Likely to survive and will soon become extinct if same causative factor continue are called endangered species
Extinct species:species that are found exclusively in a particular area.
I hope my answer is right

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what is the difference between extinct and endangered species?..

Answer / prachi gandhi

Endangered species - 1) species that are at the Verge of extinction and require protection and conservation
2) we can protect them by doing something
3) For example- leopard, blue whales, bengal tiger etc.
Extinct species -1) species which exist no more on the earth
2) we can't protect them as they are no more
3) For example - dinosaur, Dodo, passenger pigeon etc.

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what is the difference between extinct and endangered species?..

Answer / r.subhashini

extinct : The animal those are alredy disappeared on the earth due to evolutionary changes
endangered : The animals are in the critical position to be extincted

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what is the difference between extinct and endangered species?..

Answer / garima


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what is the difference between extinct and endangered species?..

Answer / manoj mohanty

An extint species is one which has no surviving members.

An endangered species is one whose memners are so less that it cannot on its own in the wild.

Is This Answer Correct ?    8 Yes 15 No

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