When is the best time for system testing

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When is the best time for system testing..

Answer / raja srinivas

Once the unit, integration testing's completed. And whole
system is build we can go for system testing.

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When is the best time for system testing..

Answer / sushma

Actually the System testing is done iff the total
application is developed and it'd deployed into real time
environment ie in Enduser place.

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When is the best time for system testing..

Answer / lenin

Once after the Smoke is over, we can start

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When is the best time for system testing..

Answer / dharmaraj allukapally

Once the intergartion testing is over and
found that a minimum 80 of testcases are passed and
the failed testcases are not show stoppers,
then we can start performing system testing.


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When is the best time for system testing..

Answer / mfsi_priyankaa

System Testing is testing the s/w as a whole.so once all the
modules of the s/w has developed we can do system
testing..or after testing all the modules individually(unit
testing) and interfaces between different
modules(integration testing).

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