In "V" model of SDLC which phase correspond to integration
1. Requirements
2. Analysis
3. Design
4. Coding

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In "V" model of SDLC which phase correspond to integration testing: 1. Requirements 2...

Answer / ella

In the V Model hte integration testing corresponds to the
design phase. As this is the phase where the high level
design and functionality of the application will be
determined before coding them. At the coding level, unit
testing would be done and then when coding is complete it
and unit testing is over, the integration testing would be
done. The integration test cases would derive their input
from the design specifications document.

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In "V" model of SDLC which phase correspond to integration testing: 1. Requirements 2...

Answer / meetu mahajan

The design phase corresponds to the integration testing as
this is the phase where different modules / sub systems of
a system are defined. After this phase only the integration
test scenarios / cases can be written.

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In "V" model of SDLC which phase correspond to integration testing: 1. Requirements 2...

Answer / sagarika

In "V" model of SDLC,design phase is divided into high
level design and low level design.Unit testing is done in
low-levl design and intigration testing is done in high
level design.

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In "V" model of SDLC which phase correspond to integration testing: 1. Requirements 2...

Answer / pratap

In "V" model of SDLC Correspond to integration testing will
be design.

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