what is meant by Shine-Dalgarno sequence in protein

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what is meant by Shine-Dalgarno sequence in protein synthesis?..

Answer / rajat pandey

The Shine-Dalgarno sequence (or Shine-Dalgarno box),
proposed by Australian scientists John Shine and Lynn
Dalgarno,[1] is a ribosomal binding site generally located
6-7 nucleotides upstream of the start codon AUG. The Shine-
Dalgarno sequence exists only in prokaryotes. The six-base
consensus sequence is AGGAGG; in E. coli, for example, the
sequence is AGGAGGU. This sequence helps recruit the
ribosome to the mRNA to initiate protein synthesis by
aligning it with the start codon. The complementary
sequence (CCUCCU), is called the anti-Shine-Dalgarno
sequence and is located at the 3' end of the 16S rRNA in
the ribosome. The eukaryotic equivalent of the Shine-
Dalgarno sequence is called the Kozak sequence.

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what is meant by Shine-Dalgarno sequence in protein synthesis?..

Answer / bhanu

For the production of 30s initiation complex the 3 terminal
region of 16 s rna component of 30s ribosomal subunit is the
binding site for m-rna.it has a pyrimidine rich hydrogen
bonds with a complementary sequence of purine rich region on
the 5'side.
T his purine rich region consisting of 4-9 residues upstream
from aug codon on m-rna is called shine-dalgarno sequence.

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