All of the following are true regarding configuration management except:
A. Requires all acceptance decisions to be made through the CCB
B. Serves as a change control system
C. Describes the physical characteristics of the product of the project
D. Controls changes to the characteristics of an item or system

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As a project manager, you know that the most important activity to ensure customer and stakeholder satisfaction is which of the following: A. Documenting the requirements B. Documenting the performance measurements C. Reporting changes and updating the project plan and other project documents where appropriate D. Reporting project status timely and regularly

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18 Answers   Cognizant, Microsoft,

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Deliverables can be described as: A. The purpose for undertaking the project B. The verifiable results of products or services that must be produced to consider the project complete C. The specifications regarding the goals of the project that must be produced to consider the project complete D. The measurable outcomes of the project goals

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