what is the msg id for OPNQRYF?
hi provide info about any real time requirement in health care and banking services mainframe applications. pls send immediate reply to me.
Can you explain referential integrity?
How to move a field DT 9(8) of input file to DT 9(8) COMP-3 in output file in ezytrieve? in the output file entire dt is not moved.If any answer plz reply as soon as possible.
What do you mean by monitor block?
what is RUNSQLSTM?
what u mean by csrloc and rtncsrloc in rpgIV in as/400.Give an eg? to do...give some coding...what is row no and column no ???..if possible...give a no of lines coding....please
Can any one tell me that how we go for the compare,unit testing after changing requirement as per client request. this is very helpful for me when u give suitable (coading) exmple.
Can you explain function of dbctl?
Have you caused any huge mistakes for the bank?
How long have you been working on mainframes?
Is mainframe an operating system?
What is the difference between version control and debugging tools?