What is database check points? how many types are there?Explain?

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What is database check points? how many types are there?Explain? ..

Answer / suni reddy

Data base check point is used to check the integrity of
data base i.e rows count ,content and mapping between front
end objects and back end tables are coorectly working or
runtime record check

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What is database check points? how many types are there?Explain? ..

Answer / winrunner

You can place the Data base check points in three ways..
1. default
2. Custom
3. run time record check point
For the first two check points db_check() function generated
for the Last one db_record_check() function generated..

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What is database check points? how many types are there?Explain? ..

Answer / sivaprasad, global e-softsys p

1.Default check:rows and columns
2.Custom Check:,rows or coloumns....
3.Runtime check:checking runtime data checking (DVR,CVR)

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What is database check points? how many types are there?Explain? ..

Answer / chocho

Database check point check the contents of database......
three option is there
1.Default check:check contents
2.Custom Check:check contents,rows,coloumns....
3.Runtime check:checking runtime data checking (DVR,CVR)

Dvr means Data verification on runtime
CVR means corrent verification on runtime

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What is database check points? how many types are there?Explain? ..

Answer / mandeep kumar

check points are basically of two types Default and custom.
Default is basically used by the syatem for their intrgrity
test and custom checkpoins for user define where user can
check what is status of the transaction on this point.
If the transaction failed then syatem will roll back the
transaction upto this checkpoint.

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