what is pollen prepotency?

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what is pollen prepotency?..

Answer / archana

Pollen prepotency – In some plants when the stigma recieves pollen from the same flower as well as from the other flower simultaneously, the foreign pollen germinates vigorously and fertilize the ovule, e.g., bean and many members of fabaceae.

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what is pollen prepotency?..

Answer / aarushi

Growth o pollen tube of self pollinated pollen grain
is very slow as compared to growth of cross pollinated pollen grain . Thus the cross pollinated pollen grain reach earlier inside the ovule . By aarushi 2 pre medical allen institute chandigarh.

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what is pollen prepotency?..

Answer / mritunjay khandelwal

When pollens of other flowers and the same flower pollinate a flower the tendency of the flower to accept the pollen of other flower is more in comparison to the same flower

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what is pollen prepotency?..

Answer / swapna

Other flower'ds poleengrains will germinate faster than same
flower pollengrains.

This is a contrainvance for cross pollination.

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