what is turn over number?

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what is turn over number?..

Answer / abhilash

The catalytic power of anenzyme is measured by the "turn
over number" or molecular activity.

it is defined as the number of substrate molecules
converted into product per unit time ,when the enzyme is
fully saturated with substrate.

for example catalase can convert 5,000,000 times its own
weight of H2O2 into H20 and O2.

the value of turn over number varies with different enzymes
and depends upon the conditions in which the reaction is
taking place.
most of the turnover numbers fall between 1 to 10 powers 4.

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what is turn over number?..

Answer / dr.shaukat saeed khan

It is equivalent to Vmax being the number of substrate
molecules converted to product by one enzyme molecule in
unit time(often 1 second)when there is saturation of the
substrate. Mathematically it can be expressed as
where Kcat=Turn over number
Vmax=Maximum rate of reaction when all the active sites of
the enzyme are saturated with the specific substrate
Et=Total enzyme concentration or the concentration of
active sites of the enzyme.
The turn over number differs from enzyme to enzyme under
identical experimental conditions and under different
conditions for the same enzyme.

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what is turn over number?..

Answer / lukas

Besides the describing the enzyme activity, TON is also used
in an organometalic catalysis. Here, nevertheless, TON has
slightly different meaning. TON describes how many catalitic
cycles catalyst undergoes before it dies. In other words,
How many moles of substrate is converted by one mol of
catalys. here TON is NOT related to the unit of time. When
the TON is related to the unit of time, the term Turn Over
Frequency (TOF) is used instead.

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what is turn over number?..

Answer / peter

Turn over numbr also known as Kcat, is defined as the
maximum number of substrate molecules that can an enzyme
converted to products per catalytic site per (unit time)
seconds, and can mathematically also be defined as Kcat =
Vmax/[Et]* (sec). Vmax denote maximum velocity at which the
enzyme active site is saturated with increasing substrate
concentration, Kcat denote catalytic constant, and [Et]m
denote enzyme total concentration.

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