How to design CT for connected with Transformer OLTC
operation? normally CT output design for 1A/5A range but
during OLTC Tap position changing time how to function the
Please send specifications for 1000KVA dry type transformer or where I can get the specifications?
How is the air circuit breaker quenching the arc. If it is by air means, where is it come from?
What are books to be referred for KPTCL exam?
what is the main function of capacitors in mccs.
What is power factor?How to improve power factor
why firewall is build up between two transformer (220/11kv,50MVA)?what should be the firewall height?what is the clearance between firewall and transformer?
2 Answers Siemens, Tous Stadt,
is it possible for different brand of H.V transformers to run or operate in parallel to each other? if so how much disturbance can this affact the H.V bus bar?
Where r use in Dc motor in power plant?
if we give DC suply to the AC motor what hapen
why lightning arrestor are made in two stack of insulator but why not cvt
what is the diff. between power transformer & distribution transformer.....
Hi friends I am a service engineer in electrical field i plan to shift design engineer in same field, so i request your suggestion for what software or course i want to learn ?