difference between cash book and bank book?

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difference between cash book and bank book?..

Answer / r.sivaraman

Cash Book: All cash transactions are entered in the cash
book straightway, and ledger accounts are prepared on the
basis of such records. Hence, Cash Book is considered as a
Subsidiary book. Cash book is again a ledger and a
principal book since, it serves as cash account and book
account, the balances of which are recorded in the traial
balance directly. Cash book has debit and credit sides.
All receipts are entered on the debit side and all payments
are enetered on the credit side. It is maintained under
the Double entry principle.

Feature of Cash Book:
1. All cash receipts are cash payments are entered
chronologically in the cash book
2. It never shows a credit balance
3. It serves both the functions of Jounal and Ledger

Is This Answer Correct ?    108 Yes 29 No

difference between cash book and bank book?..

Answer / prajaktashrikant

Cash Book is prepared by Propwriter. Pass Book is
prepare by Bank peoples. After transaction take place both
of them pass the Entries .
Cash Book shows Dr side Receipt & cr side Payment But in
pass book Dr side payment & cr side Receipt .
This 2 are measure difference between Cash Book & Pass

Is This Answer Correct ?    98 Yes 25 No

difference between cash book and bank book?..

Answer / neena

Cash book deals with cash transactions and Pass book deals
with bank transaction. In Cash book we enter day to day
expenses incurred i.e., receipts and payment. Whereas in
pass book we enter all the day to day bank transaction
whether it is a cash, cheque or dd. In this credit
transactions also take place.

Is This Answer Correct ?    80 Yes 14 No

difference between cash book and bank book?..

Answer / wajid

cash book is different from bank book

Is This Answer Correct ?    73 Yes 28 No

difference between cash book and bank book?..

Answer / gaurav

in cash book we deals in cash while in bank book we deals
with bank . in cash book we entered those entries rec. or.
paid by cash while in bank book, we entered the paymt or.
rec. through bank

Is This Answer Correct ?    43 Yes 18 No

difference between cash book and bank book?..

Answer / sourabh verma

In cash book : we write all entries which are done by us in
cash, whatever we receive & whatever we give.

In bank book : bank pass book handle by the bank. whatever
we deposit & whatever we withdraw.

Is This Answer Correct ?    30 Yes 14 No

difference between cash book and bank book?..

Answer / sanam

There is difference between cashbook & bankbook !
cashbook always be with person and passbook keep with bank
in cashbook we can enter our all transcation whatever we
buy goods or pay money for use but bankbook just we can
Deposite money we cant Deposite goods in to the bank.
cashbook is always Debit and passbook is Cerdit

Is This Answer Correct ?    9 Yes 3 No

difference between cash book and bank book?..

Answer / waqar jahandad

ABCDEF has withdrawn $100 from UVWXYZ bank, this
transaction will be recorded in both books. For the bank
the amount been paid goes to credit side and for the
accoutn holder it comes through debit side. Reconciliation
is to match both those records and adjust the missing

Cash Book is the record for the account holder (the bank
customer) and Pass Book is record for the Bank (i.e, Banker)
Cash book and Pass book are like the newton's third law of
motion,"Every action has equal reaction but it is in the
opposite direction"

Is This Answer Correct ?    10 Yes 7 No

difference between cash book and bank book?..

Answer / ankit pansuriya

Cash Book: All cash transactions are entered in the cash
book straightway, and ledger accounts are prepared on the
basis of such records. Hence, Cash Book is considered as a
Subsidiary book. Cash book is again a ledger and a
principal book since, it serves as cash account and book
account, the balances of which are recorded in the traial
balance directly. Cash book has debit and credit sides.
All receipts are entered on the debit side and all payments
are enetered on the credit side. It is maintained under
the Double entry principle.

Feature of Cash Book:
1. All cash receipts are cash payments are entered
chronologically in the cash book
2. It never shows a credit balance
3. It serves both the functions of Jounal and Ledger

Is This Answer Correct ?    5 Yes 3 No

difference between cash book and bank book?..

Answer / shreekanth samala

the measure different between CB & PB,there are two sides
i.e dr & cr side in CB debit shows reciept & cr shows
payment but in PB vice- versa.....

for example:
if xyz deposite of Rs 10,000/- in abc bank then the
transaction one is dr side in CB i.e reciept but in PB cr
side i.e payment

Is This Answer Correct ?    7 Yes 5 No

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