what is inventory and how can manage the inventory. what is ledger and what difference in inventory and ledger.
4 15033What is the Difference between Current Assets and Fixed Assets and how would you classified it
19 100701Describe a time when u have taken on a particularly challenging or stretching target. What made it so nchallenging for u?
1 4816If the wording of a governing document of a non-company charity requires accounts to be audited, does this mean statutory audit?
1 3817If a charity is required to have an audit carried out due to the level of incoming resources or expenditure, but then is below the threshold in the following years, is an audit still required?
1 4316What sorts of accountant count as "qualified accountants" to be independent examiners for charities with income over ?100,000 or assets over ?1,000,000?
1841A company charity (gross income 250k) wishes to take advantage of the audit exemption regime. However, there is an audit provision in the company's Articles. Should they be required to change the Articles?
What was your most rewarding accomplishment of your career and why
What is an audit process?
What is an internal audit and what is the role of internal audit?
what is the steel consumption per sq ft for ground plus 12 floors
What is mean by error of submission? can u plz provide notes on this?
what is the difference you can make by doing your course in the country of your choice
Should the duty of creating a purchase order be segregated from the duty of creating a vendor?
Define decommission liability?
Why a company or firm should carry out the audit related work.
What is final audit?
what is the difference you can make by doing your course in the country of your choice
Define vouching?
what is audit & activities of auditor?
What is audit trail in siebel?
How auditing is prepared?