Marketing Sales Interview Questions
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Define discount orientation & upscale orientation


Im studing mba with marketing my background is Bsc bio- technology. how can i introduce my self when i go for an interview?

2 4770

how will you motivate the stockist to stock the excess stock of the product

2 5012

what is spanco model

1 19029

marketing vs sales

4 6344

1. What is the difference between Traditional Marketing and Modern Marketing? Give some examples of those companies which are doing Business in India more than 50 years and how they changed from traditional marketing to modern marketing.

Annamalai University, ING, PZ Cussons,

1 10793

2. Explain the Sales Promotion in marketing and also how HLL and P&G are doing their promotion of products in India with suitable examples.

Fidelity, IBM,


Take atleast 10 FMCG companies in India and analyse how they are doing ethics in marketing in various segments.

College School Exams Tests, Hindustan Unilever Limited, HLL, ISB, Reliance,

1 7171

What is the meaning of trade mark and patent rights in Govt. of India and how it is helpful in marketing management? Explain with suitable products.

3 10037

what are our products and services offered? tell me your plans and strategy as a marketing officer?

Karnataka Bank,


What is a cold calling process in Tele marketing?

Insurance, T3 Softwares,

1 4041

1. Discuss the acceptance of Corporate Social Responsibility in business by Indian companies in recent years. Justify your answer by giving present practices. 2. Examine the role of money, as a significant motivator, in the present inflationary conditions. 3. Co-ordination should be an individual responsibility rather than the other insisting the co- ordination. Justify your answer. 4. Under what circumstances Centralisation and Decentralisation of authority is desirable – discuss? Discuss your views with respect to hospitality industry. 1. What is the difference between Traditional Marketing and Modern Marketing? Give some examples of those companies which are doing Business in India more than 50 years and how they changed from traditional marketing to modern marketing. 2. Explain the Sales Promotion in marketing and also how HLL and P&G are doing their promotion of products in India with suitable examples. 3. Take atleast 10 FMCG companies in India and analyse how they are doing ethics in marketing in various segments. 4. What is the meaning of trade mark and patent rights in Govt. of India and how it is helpful in marketing management? Explain with suitable products.

Coffee Day, Emballage, Fab Distributors, Idea, TATA,

1 6465

A well – thought out orientation program is especially important for employees who have had little or no work experience.” – Comment. 2. Explain the four types of appraisal interview and how they affect the way you manage the interview in Textile Industries. 3. Should the job evaluation depend on an appraisal of the job holder’s performance in shipping industries? Give suitable examples. 4. Develop an incentive plan for Chemical Engineer, Plant Manager, and Sales Person. What factors would you consider in developing incentive? 1.4 FINANCIAL MANAGEMENT 1. “All the IT Companies paid more Dividend” if Yes, explain in detail, if no Justify your answer. 2. “More of Borrowed fund used in capital is safety” if the statement is Right Briefly Discuss or if it is wrong justify your answers. 3. Profit maximization is not wealth maximization – Discuss briefly by giving appropriate examples. 4. “Equity share is most safe capital in the organization” – Comment. 1.5 PRODUCTION AND MATERIALS MANAGEMENT 1. Identify the factors affecting Plant Location for steel plant in sub-urban areas or rural areas. 2. “Make or buy decision is based on quality, quantity, cost, tax and other available resources in organization.” – Comment. 3. “Preventive maintenance is suitable for power plants.” Do you agree, if not what type of maintenance should be practiced? Explain. 4. Discuss the purchase parameters and the functions of a purchase manager in a large automobile manufacturing firm. 1.6 BUSINESS MATHEMATICS AND STATISTICS 1. (a) Solve using the principle of inverse 2x + dy = 4z = 9 2x – 3y + 4z = 3 -2x + 3y – 4z = -3 (b) Distinguish between parametric and non parametric test. 2. (a) From the following, fit the two regression line, X on Y and Y on X X 10 20 30 40 50 60 Y 70 95 110 125 135 155 Estimate X, when Y = 200 (b) What do you mean by multi-co linearity and what are its consequences. 3. (a) Construct a chart for averages and chart for range and infer whether the process is under control. No Dimensions 1 10 11 12 10 2 9 12 10 10 3 10 11 11 11 4 9 10 10 9 5 11 11 10 10 6 11 10 11 10 (b) The mean amount of rainfall, wheat production per acre with their variances are given below. Yield Kg/ acre Rain fall inches Mean 900 16 Variance 484 9 Determine the yield, when the rain fall is likely to be 12 inches. The correlation between yield and rain fall is 0.52. 4. (a) The number of demand for a particular spare part in a shop found to vary from day to


ship-to-party on picking instruction is different from sales order


ship-to-party on picking instruction is different from sales order

1 3449

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Think of one of your most successful sales you've ever achieved. With that sale in mind, tell me about it and what you did to successfully achieve the sale?


How many active accounts have you handled in the past?


What do you like the most about the inside sales job ?


9. Give me an example of a time when you motivated others, either in your community or place of work.


What is monopolistic competition in marketing sales?


5. Tell me about a time you were able to successfully deal with another person, even when that individual may not have personal like for you (or vice versa).


What is your area of development ??


send me last two yeear question




I am at starting stage,so how could i prepare for my management interviews?


A well – thought out orientation program is especially important for employees who have had little or no work experience.” – Comment. 2. Explain the four types of appraisal interview and how they affect the way you manage the interview in Textile Industries. 3. Should the job evaluation depend on an appraisal of the job holder’s performance in shipping industries? Give suitable examples. 4. Develop an incentive plan for Chemical Engineer, Plant Manager, and Sales Person. What factors would you consider in developing incentive? 1.4 FINANCIAL MANAGEMENT 1. “All the IT Companies paid more Dividend” if Yes, explain in detail, if no Justify your answer. 2. “More of Borrowed fund used in capital is safety” if the statement is Right Briefly Discuss or if it is wrong justify your answers. 3. Profit maximization is not wealth maximization – Discuss briefly by giving appropriate examples. 4. “Equity share is most safe capital in the organization” – Comment. 1.5 PRODUCTION AND MATERIALS MANAGEMENT 1. Identify the factors affecting Plant Location for steel plant in sub-urban areas or rural areas. 2. “Make or buy decision is based on quality, quantity, cost, tax and other available resources in organization.” – Comment. 3. “Preventive maintenance is suitable for power plants.” Do you agree, if not what type of maintenance should be practiced? Explain. 4. Discuss the purchase parameters and the functions of a purchase manager in a large automobile manufacturing firm. 1.6 BUSINESS MATHEMATICS AND STATISTICS 1. (a) Solve using the principle of inverse 2x + dy = 4z = 9 2x – 3y + 4z = 3 -2x + 3y – 4z = -3 (b) Distinguish between parametric and non parametric test. 2. (a) From the following, fit the two regression line, X on Y and Y on X X 10 20 30 40 50 60 Y 70 95 110 125 135 155 Estimate X, when Y = 200 (b) What do you mean by multi-co linearity and what are its consequences. 3. (a) Construct a chart for averages and chart for range and infer whether the process is under control. No Dimensions 1 10 11 12 10 2 9 12 10 10 3 10 11 11 11 4 9 10 10 9 5 11 11 10 10 6 11 10 11 10 (b) The mean amount of rainfall, wheat production per acre with their variances are given below. Yield Kg/ acre Rain fall inches Mean 900 16 Variance 484 9 Determine the yield, when the rain fall is likely to be 12 inches. The correlation between yield and rain fall is 0.52. 4. (a) The number of demand for a particular spare part in a shop found to vary from day to


How do you plan to achieve the objectives of two diverse fields i.e. Sales and marketing?


What is marketing mix?


Which is more important for you: high salary or desired designation?


Explain Fundamental Analysis.