Electrical Engineering Interview Questions
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why do some transmission towers have two insulators at one side and three insulators at the other side

2 3877

sir iam a 3rd yr eee student.no core company comes for recruitment to our college.my aim is to be placed in l and t.tell me the procedures.


I am having a DG set.The 415 V from Generator is step up to 460 v and then the same is used for Induction furnace. before Step up, I am connecting LT load to my factory use. When Induction furnace is in service from DG, when i try to start a motor, the generator is tripped.Please tell me the reason.

3 4565

in ceiling fan and table fan what is the rotating part and what is the stationary part?

5 9223

What is breather? why we use it ?

3 4085

How to set a Zone 1 distance relay for distribution feeder?

Schweitzer Engineering,


why tertiary winding is used in transformer with diagram?


why single induction motor is not self starter?

3 8309

for 644KW load which MCCB should i use

6 7224

what's the thickness of 1.5sqmm wire


1 5011

Give 3 phase transformer connections for 24 pulse rectifier using thyristors.


what is the difference b/w ground & virtual ground?



what is the effect of change in supply frequency on load angle of synchronous motor,all other parameters remaining same?


we use 3 phase supply for induction motor why not use two phase supply .


4 6028

how do the stepper motor works.


1 3503

Post New Electrical Engineering Questions

Un-Answered Questions { Electrical Engineering }

following are the questions asked in interviews: 1) Considering the short circuit fault, which switchgear is preferable, SFU OR MCCB? Which operates faster? whicg one is popular in Indian Market and why? 2)Define SCPD. What is type2 coodination? 3)Why the contactor rating is higher for the fuseless selection than for fuse selection? whether the ratinf of SFU or MCCB remains the same in both the cases? 4)If the HP rating is known then can you calculate the ratings of L.V Switchgear(SFU/MCCB, contactor, OLR) without using the selection chart?


why is a power transformer used only occasionally?it is used to step up at generating stations?and that needs to be done all day long !!!!!!!


How to select the cable and voltage drop in circuit?


How to calculate mf when meter equipment and meter are connected


what is p.s impedance measurement test in earthing transformer?


what is Fan Control Cubicle


Parts of machine and their discription in details with suitable photo


what are the applications of TIG welding


how to find the torque of the single phase synchronous motor by doing an experiment


what is transient stability analysis means?


How to calculate the volumetric capacity of a oxygen & Nitrogen gas Cylinder if pressure is 145 kg/cm2 & water capacity of cylinder is 67 liters.


What will happen if i replace a inductive proximity switch with photo sensor in a machine?


at work i have a genertor/alternater what is the easyest way to work out if it is dc or ac?


Earth is a conductor or load?then ammeter connect to 3- phase supply,it shows the measurents or not?


What is the difference between earth fault protection of motor feeder with CBCT and Without CBCT ?