Electrical Engineering Interview Questions
Questions Answers Views Company eMail

what is meant by lagging & leading current


1 4139

what maximum load will take a aluminum cable of 50mm 4 core.

3 8661

what is inductive voltage transformer? what is its application and how it differs from capacitive voltage transformer?

NRSC National Remote Sensing Centre,

1 1880

what is a bus post insulator? explain its application in a substation.

Enercon, HAL,

1 11804

what is bus post insulator and its applications in substations

1 14346

what are inductive and capacitive voltage transformers.what are their applications


what do you mean by lagging and leading current.explain in detail.

1 3931

what are the compensations considered while designing a transmmision line.

1 3109

why vaccum circuit breakers are preferred over m.o.c.b

2 3669

why are we using multiples of 11 in substation.

2 4175

why we measure ouput of transformers in kva.

1 3751

what do you mean by star point.its importance in ct & pt

2 4896

for any load, what happen if we use the cable rating above its normal rating

2 3634

can anyone plz tell me in 3 phase induction motor, whare we use STAR CONNECTED MOTOR and whare we use DELTA CONNECTED MOTOR

3 4369

What is the difference between split AC and Casste AC?


2 17860

Post New Electrical Engineering Questions

Un-Answered Questions { Electrical Engineering }

what is the transformer rush current?


what are the protecyion of transformer & generators


what is the minimum (Common factor) insulatin resistance of the following a, 4mm sq wire b, cable from 50 mm sq to 800mm sq


How can we calculate the motor frame sizes?


why lightning arrestor are made in two stack of insulator but why not cvt


If any cable burnt how can we identify it burnt by high current of high voltage? 


Which is the largest hydropower station in the world?


What is difference between isolator and circuit breaker?


3- What is the target from Zero Impedance, Single Phase Imp., S/C Imp. and magnetic balance tests?


1.why we are using blocks in withoutgaplightning arrester 2.why we ar using bushing in withoutgap lightning arrestor


how to calculate the settings for shaft ct protn in hydro generators


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can mini-curcuit supply MIL-tested transformer !


What is the formula for selecting the cabels according to load? How to calculate what sq.mm cabel to be used?


what is control supply rating of a machine