What is the current carring capacity of 0000SWG and 0SWG overhead solid bare copper conductor. If possible please provide reference for various sizes Vs current ratings
1 3044On monitor it is written that current rating is 2.2 Amps. Is it a monitor current drawing capacity or CPU & monitor. If it is only monitor rating, what will be the rating of only CPU and what will be the power consumption rating of PC, Monitor & Scanner? In net, I learnt that computer consumes only 200-300W while running. With the current rating of 2.2 Amps, how it could be 200-300Watts. Please explain?
3 4645For example, if I use Star delta transformer for distribution, Can I Connect 230 V lighting load bewteen secondary phase & primary neutarl. What will be the effect, if I connect in this manner?
2 3944what will be the effect of leading power factor on turbogenerator (and system) that is running parallel with other TG.
1 3020IN induction motor pf is increased using capacitors.what will be the effect on motor and system when very large capacitor is accidently installed and pf goes leading.
1694why one pin of plug pin is longer than other two? In some mobile chargers one pin is made not conducting .Why?
4 5592Post New Electrical Engineering Questions
How would you relate your key competencies to this position?
Draw a 230kv two-bus bar system showing the following. 1.Two generators (150MW) each connected through one 15.75/230KV transformers 2. 1 outgoing lines 3. Two 230/130 KV transformers 4. BUS PT's 5. CT
What are test signals and their significance?
in wind mill use 2100 kw asychronous generator ( induction generator ) rotor voltage : 3300,stator voltage : 690, rpm : 1511 type : MRL063E04 ' we check rotor resistance magger value found following. R-EARTH - 00 M.OHM,Y-EARTH-34 M.OHM,B-EARTH- 33M.OHM R-Y: 31 M.OHM, Y-B: 00 M.OHM,B-R :33 M.OHM HOW CAN I TAKE DECISION?pls ans. quickly
what is PID control in VFD drives?
How will be the single line diagram of series trip HT breaker? how it works?
Can any answer me ,What will be the range of C.T coil for L&T energy meter EM301 used for 180 kva DG set
how to enter inverter parameter? without manaual?
What does the kvar means?
what is difference between 5A and 100A CT constructional wise and operation?
what is the reactance,capacitance & impedence electrical armoured & unarmored Cables.
what is meant by loss of field in a DC motor? how a universal motor works?
How will calculate losses in an multi core Aluminium LT cable of different sizes & upto what length we can use a LT Cable ?
What is the main purpose of c.f.b.c.boiler
how you configure motorvision relay (L&T make)from DCS