Civil Engineering Interview Questions
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waht are pressure bulbs


4 10227

how to calculate bearing capacity of soil

L&T, Reliance, Sujala Infrastructure, TATA,

6 18220

how to draw road profile


4 14781

mix proportion of M20 AND what are different grades below it

B L Kashyap, L&T, Panchshil Infrastructure,

6 23717

curing duration

Arun Excello, L&T, Proton Construction,

5 25936

which is greater moment at centre or fixed end moment for a fixed beam with udl


6 10504

to draw bm diagrams for portal frames under different loadings//



what is idealized curve for concrere and steel



Difference between Statics, Dynamics, Kinetics, Kinematics


5 49374

what is meant by velocity & gravity ?what is the difference between normal liquid flow & gravity liquid flow ?

6 12270

How many number of bricks required for 1 cum & how much mortar quantity require for 1 cum

Assurance, Campus Interview, R Tech Developers, Ramdev Construction, Synergy,

22 111976

Laboratory experiments conducted in Mumbai on a particular mix showed a strength of 33 MP a for a fully matured concrete. Find whether formworm can be removed for an identical concrete placed at Jammu at the age of 15 days when the average temperature is 60C. The stripping stress in concrete


2 4243

what is procedure of ordinary pile foundation detial?


1 2732

General Knowledge 1. Which is the virus for SWINE Flu? Ans.H1N1 virus 2. Who is Paola Maino? a) Original Name of Sonia Gandhi. b) Mother Name of Sonia Gandhi c) An actress d) Christian Missionary 3. Who is Andy Moles? 4. Which state there is no scheduled caste seat for lok Sabha Assembly? CIVIL ENGINEERING 1. When was Indian road Congress (IRC) established? 2. What is the camber for Concrete Road? 3. What is the camber to be provided for Earth Road? 4. What is the ruling gradient to be provided for Plain roads? 5. What is the type of surveying to be used for deciding the alignment of hilly roads? 6. What is the condition on which Bernoulli law depends? 7. water is which type of fluid a)Newtonian b)Non- Newtonian c)Ideal d)Compressive 8. The law of continuity depends upon what factors? 9. In Plane Table surveying which is done first a) centering b)Leveling c)Orientation d)Centering and leveling simultaneously 10. Pavement width depends upon a)Type of terrain b) lane width c)Type of traffic 11. Which is costliest type of timber a) Sal b) Shish am c) Teak? 12. Which is timber used for making plywood a)Teak c) Bamboo fibers d)Common Timber 13. What is Veneering?

Vizag Steel, VSP,

6 10919

what is the process of repair the structure in whitch reinforcement is open

4 6634

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on what basis the partial factor of safety are decided? form the load combinations


Define What is the tensile strength of wood?


RR masonry rate analysis


How to plan a project


what is idealized curve for concrere and steel


In Residential home construct footing,beam, column,lintel,rcc roofs which dia rod used how to self assumed


Did any of the egyptian pyramids ever fall down?


Does brick grows bigger every year?


How do you measure concrete?


if dia of inner circle is 42 m and depth is 1.5 m and width is 1 m ,then whait is the quantity of steel?


How do we calculate absolute pressure?


what are the types of design? which type of method is used at what type of design & why?


Test procedure of fly ash bricks as per code ?


Will water damage concrete?


2. What are the advantages of your present job, things you like about it?