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Pfizer Interview Questions
Questions Answers Views Company eMail

What is the difference between pass by reference and pass by value?

12 38482

What do you feel about hardcoding?

3 15641

What are the setup steps that need to be defined for GL budgets

1 8282

r there any setups to enable budget tab while entering journals

2 5579

R there any setups to change the source while entering Journals manually? The defaulted one is manual and the box is greyed out, how can i change the source?

1 5368

If any one Deleted the BOMain key by accidently,is any possible to get back that Bomain key.if possible please send some steps.

2 7756

how can i convert figures into words in sap?pl tell me the function module name?

3 13538

While working in call centre why people gets so bored after certain period of time, like 1 or 2 year after

3 8314

11KW Delta motor is taking about 44Amps in star and goes upto 70Amps in delta and trips OFF. The rated current is 26Amps. Application is for the blower. The motor takes ( no load without coupling impller ) only 2.5A and 5Amps in star & delta starter test.Need to know why its taking high current.

10 17875

hi tell be about pfizer? how to compare the work with other companies ? please tell me how to login and work also?


hi tell be about pfizer? how to compare the work with other companies ? please tell me how to login and work also?

1 5023

why bottles of Hazardous chemicals or solvent are available in round shaped only?

1 4278

what is difirence b/w ROI&ROE

1 8906

What is cut off value of solvent used in hplc

1 5850

please explian me about area normalisation method,diluted standard method,impurity vs impurity and which one has to be selected in method development


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Un-Answered Questions

How many concurrent programs you have customized, can you name some of them?


What is the address for port number 8080?


what are you expecting from videocon in the future?


Can you work in shifts?


What are the advantages of devops with respect to technical and business perspective ?


What typecast is applied when we have a signed and an unsigned int in an expression?


What motivates you to work in the field of Generative AI?


How do I copy files?


Can you tell a way to know the number of days between the two given dates in php?


What do you understand by compute and storage nodes?


How to get all keys from dictionary ?


What is the significance of classes in oop?


can mini-curcuit supply MIL-tested transformer !


whats the logic to load the lower level of granularity of data to fact table.


How to insert data into an existing table?