Organic Chemistry Interview Questions
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Give the structure of the product obtained when benzene is acylated with succinic anhydride in the presence of AlCl3?

2 8389

Explain about nucleophilic, electrophilic and free radical substitutions?

Bombay Tablet,

1 7294

What is the difference between torsional strain and steric hinderance?

2 9184

what is the Difference between conformational isomers and configurational isomers ?

2 22451

What is the difference between chiral center and chiral carbon ?

1 5377

What is a proteic unit?

Granules India, IGCAR, TCS,


What is a repartition coefficient?


What does the Rasmol stand for?

1 5281

Explain Williamson Synthesis Reation ?

4 10854

How would you separate naphthalene and benzoic acid in an ethyl acetate solution?

1 4494

Why Dissolving and then reforming crystals can improve their purity?

Orbit Corporation,

2 12831

How to synthesize methylene bisthiocyanate using CH2Cl2 and NaSCN?


What is the use of N,N-Dimethyl Acrylamide ?

1 3366

What is a semi-benzene?

2 5749

What is the complex that forms due to interaction between NaBH4 & aceticacid?

3 6094

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What precaution u take when doing rs preparing


what are the differences between assay procedures and estimation in chemical analysis? also what is the equivalent factor that we consider in assay analytical procedures?


What is the organic structure of cetearyl alcohol?


Explain Thiele's structure for benzene. What is the difference between thiele's structure and modern structure (resonance hybrid) of benzene?


Can we consider in purity angel


Assuming that the density of the solution is the same as the density of water (density of water=1.000g/ml), calculate the mass of water for both reactions using: mass of water = Volume of water Density of water. Mass of water =


why are prepare daily working standard in ft ir


Discuss the role of Actinium in neutron sources and its contribution to scientific research and advancements.


how we change 0.1N KmNo4 solution to 0.01N KmNo4 solution.


why we need to synthesize impurities of midazolam


Protactinium-231 emits alpha particles. How can this property be utilized in radiation detectors or other scientific instruments?


Discuss the various isotopes of Protactinium and their roles in different fields of study.


Can you provide an overview of the properties and characteristics of Protactinium and its placement in the periodic table?


Actinium is a radioactive element. How is its radioactivity utilized in various practical applications or fields?


Actinium-227 can decay into Thorium-227. Explain the significance of this decay chain and its applications, particularly in nuclear physics.