Organic Chemistry Interview Questions
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Give the structure of the product obtained when benzene is acylated with succinic anhydride in the presence of AlCl3?

2 7989

Explain about nucleophilic, electrophilic and free radical substitutions?

Bombay Tablet,

1 7064

What is the difference between torsional strain and steric hinderance?

2 8678

what is the Difference between conformational isomers and configurational isomers ?

2 22248

What is the difference between chiral center and chiral carbon ?

1 5169

What is a proteic unit?

Granules India, IGCAR, TCS,


What is a repartition coefficient?


What does the Rasmol stand for?

1 5122

Explain Williamson Synthesis Reation ?

4 10415

How would you separate naphthalene and benzoic acid in an ethyl acetate solution?

1 4292

Why Dissolving and then reforming crystals can improve their purity?

Orbit Corporation,

2 12581

How to synthesize methylene bisthiocyanate using CH2Cl2 and NaSCN?


What is the use of N,N-Dimethyl Acrylamide ?

1 3222

What is a semi-benzene?

2 5554

What is the complex that forms due to interaction between NaBH4 & aceticacid?

3 5846

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Un-Answered Questions { Organic Chemistry }

Protactinium-233 is used in the thorium fuel cycle. Explain how this cycle operates and its potential benefits in nuclear energy production.


what is the purpose of using cyclhexane in synthesis?


What are the challenges and opportunities associated with handling and storing Protactinium due to its radioactivity and scarcity?


Protactinium-231 emits alpha particles. How can this property be utilized in radiation detectors or other scientific instruments?


hi friends, dis is ramana reddy.i have been workining in bulk drugs as QC chemist.i would like 2 change d company.but our company didn't give d OFFER LETTER,APPOINTMENT LETTER,PAY SLIP.if any body has these documents along with sample RESUME,pls send 2 my mail id i.e


Explain the process of protactinium-uranium fractionation and its implications for understanding geological and geochemical processes.


seminal on pyrimidine


Assuming that the density of the solution is the same as the density of water (density of water=1.000g/ml), calculate the mass of water for both reactions using: mass of water = Volume of water Density of water. Mass of water =


what are the differences between assay procedures and estimation in chemical analysis? also what is the equivalent factor that we consider in assay analytical procedures?


Which form of Sucores is harmfull to humans ?


I need organic mixture analysis viva questions & answers


why we not use caffeine at 205nm for hplc calibration?


Can you provide a brief overview of the properties and characteristics of the chemical element Actinium?


Describe the role of Protactinium in neutron sources and its significance for research in nuclear physics.


What is the hybridization at nitrogen?