The employee runs big client-server applications and must quickly transfer large files. The company wants the best cost/benefit on this connection. What would be the most practical solution?
2499hi my name is sridhar,i hv completed my sap in fico.m getting confused how to get a job though m a fresher.please anybody do me help,m staying in bangalore
2 5304Declaration of Cube
Guys please help me.. Is this a right way to declare cube.?
If i Compile it.
It Says: Cube undeclared
what should i do?
Please help
\thanks in advanced
Answering Yes or No in C++...using only stdio.h and me please...? here's must be the output of the program: Screen A Exam No. items Score 1 20 20 2 35 35 Another Entry? [Y] or [N] : Screen B: Record No. Student's Name: 1 Fernando Torres 2 Chuck Norris Note: if you press Y, the program must repeat the procedure in screen A, then if N, the program must proceed to the screen B....Please Help me out............
1 5819How to upgrade LOOP environment, I just mean, how can i make loop statement editable ? I just try some program using loop statement and checking it in multiple compilers. Every compiler showing different output, what's the wrong ? is it a compiler based problem, or loop based problem, tell me why ? and what will be the debugging process, for this kind of problem ?
1 3905a cowboy rides to town on friday he stays there for three days and lives on was that possible
2 6927Wen ever i use IE=createObject (Ineternetexplorer.application) QTP just navigates to the URL mentioned but doesn't recognise the USErname and Password field so the test fails.. But wen i just record and use system.util "iexplore" the code recognises and the tst passes, but here it works fine sometimes and sometimes the test just fails and aftersometime i run it works.. so its not consistent,,, any suggestion
2747this is the exception raised when i am working with oracle 11g java.lang.ClassNotFoundException: oracle.jdbc.Driver.Ora cleDriver.. but i set the class path for both oracle and java..
1 3905sir, i have passed on S.B.I for clerk asstt. and i want to know that how many candidates were appointed from s.c cota?
1 4405How to solve -805 error i.e. Bind issue. There are two conditions- 1) If you have access to the database table 2) If you don't have access to the table
java.sql.SQLException:Invalid state, the statement object is closed Hai all i got this error when i am multiple times referesh web page
i have created ODBC through Data sources and tests completed sucessfully. when i am Trying to connect SQL Server through ODBC (ODBC :Oracle Open Client Adapter for ODBC Microsoft SQL Server 09.00.3054) unable to Connect to SQL*Plus: Release it is given following error-message . Error: ORA-03121: NO interface driver connected- function not performed.
Hi can any one help me below two steps in sap FICO, 1.Create document number ranges for company code. 2.Copy document number ranges to fiscal year. was trying to do it but i am not able to completing successfully,
ORA-16626: failed to enable specified object
Hi, I am trying to encode data from flatfile and then to decode the encoded data to original form. Procedures that I followed:- 1. Encoded the field 'A_ID' using AES_ENCRYPT(A_ID,'abd') in the expression transformation. The A_ID got encoded in the output table(oracle) 2. To decode this back I used AES_DECRYPT(A_ID,'abd'). But after executing the workflow, I am not getting any data in output. can anybody tell me how to decrypt the encoded data back to original form ??
IMP-00063: Warning: Skipping table "string"."string" because object type "string"."string" cannot be created or has different identifier
write a database figure to implement the master detained relationship.
When you get following error? Error 3154: The backup set holds a backup of a database other than the existing database.
Write down the difference between c. Loop and goto statement d. (!0) and (!1) e. (1= =! 1) and (1!=1) f. NULL and !NULL
how can i get the question papers of year 2006 and 2007 of 12th commerce gujarat board
pleasesend which type of the books to indian banks clerks& what is topics pleases mailme
What severity level errors are managed in TRY-CATCH block?
a pleasant evening. i would like to ask a question about yellow journalism. This is another term for sensationalism right? i just wanted to know a lot of articles or studies with regards to the effect this yellow journalism could effect the interpretation of the students,especially college students who are taking Communication course. please help me answer this.
How will you Handle Error in SQL SERVER 2008?
ORA-26082: load of overlapping segments on table string.string is not allowed