How will you Handle Error in SQL SERVER 2008?
What is the major use of Servelet
RMAN-05017: no copy of datafile number found to recover
[ERROR] [main 11:01:20] ( Unsuccessful: alter table user.CEN_USER_MASTER add constraint FKF4EDEDC3D0BAAE75 foreign key (ROLE_ID) references user.CEN_ROLE_MASTER [ERROR] [main 11:01:20] ( ORA-02275: such a referential constraint already exists in the table
IMP-00064: Definition of LOB was truncated by export
ORA-26030: index string.string had string partitions made unusable due to:
ORA-26027: unique index string.string partition string initially in unusable state
well i dont have toefl and gre scor all that stuff, and i have 7 backlogs, tell me the chances of getting the visa.
ORA-26084: direct path context already finished
ORA-26094: stream format error: input column overflow
what is the instrument that used in Mechanical Energy??
invalid quantity specification negative quantity are not allowed for this item please check this item definition quantity
pleasesend which type of the books to indian banks clerks& what is topics pleases mailme
What severity level errors are managed in TRY-CATCH block?
ORA-26082: load of overlapping segments on table string.string is not allowed