ERRORS Interview Questions
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ORA-36714: (XSMXALLOC03) TARGETLOG variable workspace object must have the same data type as TARGET variable workspace object.

1 2772

ORA-36716: (XSMXALLOC04) You can only use the ACROSS phrase when allocation BASIS workspace object is a FORMULA.

1 2596

ORA-36718: (XSALLOC00) You do not have the necessary permissions to use AGGMAP workspace object.

1 3331

ORA-36720: (XSALLOC01) To be used with ALLOCATE, your AGGMAP workspace object must be defined with the ALLOCMAP command.

1 2358

ORA-36722: (XSALLOC02) In AGGMAP workspace object, you specified an NA or ZERO sourceval but supplied formula workspace object as your source for ALLOCATE.

1 2848

ORA-36726: (XSALERR00) The character 'character' is not a valid format specifier for the ALLOCATE error log.

1 2562

ORA-36728: (XSALERR01) While performing the ALLOCATE command with AGGMAP workspace object, the error logging limit of number was exceeded.

1 2606

ORA-36735: A value exceeded the MAX specification

1 2675

ORA-36740: A CHILDLOCK was detected in your valueset

1 2735

ORA-36770: (XSPGERRPERMDETACH) Parallel updating analytic workspace string failed

1 2612

ORA-36772: (XSPGERRTEMP) Ran out of temporary storage while writing to analytic workspace with ID=number. Free some temporary storage immediately. You can do so, for example, by DETACHING an analytic workspace.

1 2652

ORA-36774: (XSPGERRTEMPUSER) Ran out of temporary storage while writing to analytic workspace string. Free some temporary storage immediately. You can do so, for example, by DETACHING an analytic workspace.

1 3047

ORA-36776: (XSPGERRTEMPSYSTEM) Ran out of temporary storage while writing to a system temporary analytic workspace. Free some temporary storage immediately. You can do so, for example, by DETACHING an analytic workspace.

1 2560

ORA-36778: (XSPGTRLOW) The amount of available temporary storage is still low. Free some temporary storage immediately. You can do so, for example, by UPDATING or DETACHING an analytic workspace.

1 2483

ORA-36779: (XSPGPOOLOUT) Invalid parameter value. Olap_page_pool_size must be between must be between 2097152 and 2147483647. Olap_page_pool_size remain unmodified.

1 3011

Un-Answered Questions { ERRORS }

When do you get "getwmicomexception"?


ORA-26094: stream format error: input column overflow


Jetking is C C


hi, i am trying to do modular test tree in winrunner but i am getting error like "Error in the Expression list",can you please tell e what kind of error is this? thanks.




The employee runs big client-server applications and must quickly transfer large files. The company wants the best cost/benefit on this connection. What would be the most practical solution?


when will we use lsmw , bdc and bapi? which will be easy to use and which is used for which type of data


a pleasant evening. i would like to ask a question about yellow journalism. This is another term for sensationalism right? i just wanted to know a lot of articles or studies with regards to the effect this yellow journalism could effect the interpretation of the students,especially college students who are taking Communication course. please help me answer this.


I am Recording the QTP Script..the Script is below VbWindow("mdiPP").VbWindow("frmPOSOLocking").ActiveX ("SSTab").VbListView("lstPO").SetItemState "272 [10-11]", micChecked. After when when Run then give error property not found.


How can be avoid the Error while being Human we do mistakes???


why we are using shift key in unix shell script


[ERROR] [main 11:01:20] ( Unsuccessful: alter table user.CEN_USER_MASTER add constraint FKF4EDEDC3D0BAAE75 foreign key (ROLE_ID) references user.CEN_ROLE_MASTER [ERROR] [main 11:01:20] ( ORA-02275: such a referential constraint already exists in the table


When I look for mannual enry of any of the command in Unix, such as #man ls, I get a message "Reformatting entry. Wait..." and control comes to a next command prompt. what is the problem?


who have build this website?


ORA-26028: index string.string initially in unusable state