General Science Interview Questions
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What ate the most essential parts of the human body ?

State Bank Of India SBI,

2 6887

What is blood ? Describe its functions in the human body ?

8 35870

Why is food necessary for human body ?

2 23825

What are the divisions of food according to the functions it performs ? Describe them

1 4438

What do you understand by nutritive constituents of food ?

ICICI, Yahoo,

3 11768

What are vitamins ? describe different kinds of vitamins

1 10148

What is balanced diet? Give the everyday diet of a normal man.

1 6708

Why is it necessary to cook food ?

1 8479

What are the points to be born in mind while eating to avoid disease?

1 3194

Difference between Respiration and Photosynthesis ?

8 33562

What is the Biology ?

2 3890

What is the Botany?

3 4492

What is the zoology ?

3 4651

What is the microbiology ?

8 12347

What is the morphology ?

1 3881

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Un-Answered Questions { General Science }

What are luminous irregular nebulae?


we know in mathematics that a matrix is an arrangement (array) of different elements , memebers . Then, how does the movie "Matrix" relate with this concept. In movie "Matrix" we have seen that it shown a war between machines & humans. And we know to operate machines we need code like 0 1 & 1 0 . How ? explain ?


What are comets?


What are quasars?


Why we use nhexane inplace of hexane in mobilepase preparation


Explain the Evolution of Science as a discipline in the Medieval Period


What is voltage? ?? What type of of show voltage. ?? Practillay how's voltage?


the basic approach to science was established by:


What is the capacity of arihant’s atomic reactor?


What are reflecting nebulae?


any one who has interviewed at noida for SBI clerk i have my interview call on 23.10.2008

1756 VLSM require 112 ip addresses answer = 128/23 rang 2 network address gateway broadcast


The year in which magnetic observations were started in mumbai and thiruvananthapuram?


Let arr be an array of 20 integers. Write a program that first fills the array with up to 20 input values and then finds and displays both the subscript of the largest item in arr and the value of the largest item. • Use an IDE to develop and save your work


Who developed primary blue print programme?