Manual Testing Interview Questions
Questions Answers Views Company eMail

What do you think the role of test-group manager should be

1 3631

What is a test data? Give examples

5 29311

What are the different is manual database checking types?


What are the different is manual database checking types?


What is scalability testing

FSS, TCS, WebTekLabs,

8 23420

Hi can any body clarify me plz What are responsibilities of a test engineer in the company,and how he communicates wiht t.l as well as test manager, In wich situation this type of i mean serious commnication takes place(give me one example).and how the interaction will takes place between tester and client can anybody plz clatify me

1 2933

How can a testengineer coordinate with developer in fixing bugs?

1 4129

What is meant by Hot Keys?


1 5026

When is the best time for system testing

5 8482

What is the difference between the test case and a test script

4 7308

How do you test if you have minimal or no documentatioabout the product? How do you decide when you have tested enough? How do you determine what to test?

3 5190

Describe to me the Software Development Life Cycle as you would define it?

2 5434

What is the role of QA in a company that produces software? How do you scope, organize, and execute a test project?


1 2107

What is the role of QA in a project developement?

2 5148

What is the job of Quality Assurance Engineer? Difference between the Testing & Quality Assurance job.

3 8001

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Un-Answered Questions { Manual Testing }

write the test case for Bulb & Mobile phone


When will the testing starts?


write 5 critical test cases on product payment form on


Test cases on send/ receive button of Microsoft outlook.


How can you use technology to solve problem?


. Is any graph is used for code coverage analysis?


from where do u collect test data if u miss some data what will happen


How do you get programmers to build testability support into their code?


What is the different between SIT and UIT?


what the purpose of requirement phase


What types of documentation are used in qa?


How do u go about testing of web application?


hello frens. Im Arun from the uk. im planning to apply for tester jobs with 3yrs experience. the problem is i dont have resumes. i have to mention atleast 3 projects (preferably financial projects) in my CV. im totally blank. can u plz send ur CV's to my email.... this would be a great help from you guyz. n u need any help from me? just mail me n ill get in touch with u. Thanx.


Hi, can any tell how a tester can be judged? i have to interview a tester, how should i judge whether he has a justified experience or not? how a person with 3 years of experience in manual testing can be judge?


How do you scope out the size of the testing effort?